How to Find Joy and Happiness!

How to Find Joy and Happiness!

Hey ladies, 

So, I wrote a small article on my WeHeartIt page and it’s got quite a few Hearts so I’d figure I’d talk more about the topic since I love talking all about confidence, staying motivated and happy and being your best self. So why not write a blog post about it and go more into depth?!

If you like this don’t forget to share it with friends. I think it’s a great topic for discussion. Comment below what you think. 

01. Have the right attitude 

As humans, we tend to look at the negative first rather than the positive. This can be so self-destructive though. For instance, when I was in school I would focus so much on how tired I was from going to school and having to work and getting home and having all of these ‘adult’ responsibilities. However, It was when I started to see how blessed I was to even be able to go to school and have a job and take care of myself, that I saw how blessed I was and I was not doing any good by complaining. I saw things with a new attitude of gratitude (rhyming totally intended). 

02. Embrace the moment 

“You only live once,” is the saying, and I think about this every day. This is the only moment that we have to be both young and old. This is the present, the past, and the future all at once. Embrace the current moment. You won’t get it back. The reality is that there are no do-overs. So take the time to treat yourself kindly. Spend time with the people that make you the happiest at this very moment. Don’t waste THIS precious time waiting for something or someone to change. 

It’s been something that I have been guilty of, dwelling on the past and focusing so much of my energy wishing things could be different, but I’ve realized that, this too shall pass. There is no looking back only facing forward.

03. Speak good, be good 

Doing something kind for someone else does more good for us than to other people. Volunteer your time or donate, helping out someone who is probably less fortunate then you are. It doesn’t have to be extravagant. It could be as simple as creating a care package for a friend or hearing out a friend. Letting someone know that you are there for them can mean the world to someone. To me, one of the best qualities that a person can have is selflessness. I think it speaks volumes about their personality. It also just makes you feel good that you can have such a big impact on someone’s life. 

04. Make goals and reach them 

Maybe you lost motivation because you lost your purpose in life. Trust me I’ve been there before and If I’m being totally honest I feel like sometimes I’m back at square one. This blog actually started because I was unhappy with my life and I needed something that would make me feel excited again about life. 

I’ve always been a very creative person, so when I didn’t have creativity around me I noticed myself becoming depressed and anxious. That is why I looked for things to give me purpose. This blog has been my creative outlet since then along with health and fitness. Figure out what makes you happy, that can be maybe creating a board of goals you want to accomplish, journaling, reading more books. Grab an agenda and plan out a step by step guide that will make you accomplish these goals. 

05. Positive Vibes attract your tribe 

The people that you are surrounded by are a mirror of you. If you want major change in your life, Analyze your surroundings, are you around people that have similar goals as you? Do these people inspire you? Do they bring you down? Do they try to change you? Do they uplift you? Are they supportive of the things you want to do? 

Sit down and ask yourself these questions because if the people around you don’t make you happy, then they aren’t the right people for you. 

06. Believe in yourself 

At the end of the day, you are your biggest cheerleader no one knows you as well as you know you. So have a little faith in yourself. If you think about someone that you admire and you think, ‘of-course this person is going to be successful at everything they do, well maybe change that same phrase to yourself. It can be, ‘of course I’m going to pass this exam because I study and I’m smart to even be taking this class in the first place’ or ‘of course I’m going to slay my interview because I’m highly qualified and I have that experience’ etc. Just believe in yourself and your already halfway there. 


Hope this sheds some light in small, but powerful ways in which you can be happier. 

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @Candidlyayadi

Check out my last post: Collect Coffee Shop






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