What I’m Loving About My Mornings

What I’m Loving About My Mornings

Good Morning loves,

Okay. So I’ve stressed this topic to the brim on this blog and honestly, that’s kind of the reason this blog even exists. I started this blog in the summer of 2016 and of course, since it was the summer I had so much time to write and work on the little things of the blog. But as the Fall came around I returned to work, working full-time and becoming a morning person is pivotal in order to reach my goals. 

Let me break it down for you… (word) Okay, totally grandma rap move.

I get that not all people are morning people. It’s unrealistic to expect everyone to be super productive in the morning when they just don’t work their best at that time. However, for people that are morning people here are something that makes me love the morning even more.

01. Quiet time for myself

In the morning, let’s say 5-6 am, no one is awake in my house that is the time that I have to roam around my house without any distractions. I wake up and go immediately to my coffee pot and make myself a warm cup of coffee. (It’s become a bit of a ritual) because I wake up early I’m able to take my time and not be in a rush.

I like that I have that free time for me to enjoy whatever I want. I can enjoy my warm cup of coffee while watching the sun rise up or I can cuddle with Hazel for a little longer. I’m the first to admit that Hazel is not a morning person.

02. Find the time for hobbies 

If your goal at the beginning of the year was to be fit and healthy and it’s June and you still haven’t gotten around to working out etc because “there isn’t enough time in the day”  Well, there is your time, Early in the morning.

My goal for this year among others was to work more on my blog and write about what makes me happy and because I do have a full-time job. I find myself needed those extra few hours to plan, to write, edit, take photos, edit photos, plan out my social media calendar etc.

If your goal is to workout more and get your body moving then this is the perfect time for it. It’s super peaceful and there is no one there to distract you from your goals.

03. Clean and tidy 

I live with other people and as an adult, there are certain things that we have to take care of ourselves that our parents no longer do for us. Like cleaning, I share the kitchen, dining and living area with my roommates and being the good roommate/friend that we should be I think it’s important to work together so there aren’t any feuds.

The early morning is a time to take out the trash, pick up any toys left around from your dog (hmmm Hazel), feed my dog, and not be in a rush or take out the trash. Don’t underestimate what a few minutes of early in the morning could do for you and your home. 

04. Meditation/Reading/Yoga/ Journaling/ Horoscope

With the peaceful early morning and little to no distractions, It’s important to realize that waking up early and having those mornings to yourself are so important because they help you focus on what you want and what your needs are. 

I like to read my horoscope. It’s become part of my morning routine. I am a Scorpio If you didn’t know 😉 It’s helpful to put my headspace on something positive. Maybe my Horoscope might say something along the lines on letting loose and being more open and that day I’ll have that in the back of my mind and hopefully, I remember to be a little more extroverted.

If you were curious I like to use horoscope.com for my daily horoscope and I like to read my cards on Astrology.com 

Or if I’m feeling super low I like to journal and get things out of my head onto paper. The amount of pressure relief that this does for me, you wouldn’t believe it and it’s super simple and super helpful.

There you have it! My current favorites of waking up early.

Don’t forget to check out my last blog post: How To Find Joy And Happiness 

Follow my WeHeartIt

Comment below if you are a morning person or a night owl! What makes you thrive off of those times? I’m curious? 



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