Why I decided to start a blog and How Candidlyyadi was born

Why I decided to start a blog and How Candidlyyadi was born

Hi Lovelies,

So today, I wanted to write a blog post dedicated to why I started my blog. I feel like getting to know the person behind a post or a blog is important because when I stumble onto a new blog I like to get to know the author on the blog on a more personal level.

I like to dive into the more personal posts of blogs because I feel like that way I get to know that person more and I can empathize with their point when I know where they are coming from.

Before It all began

First, I want to start off on how I was feeling prior to me starting my blog.

I was a Junior in college I was struggling with allot of things like friendships, health issues, school, lack of money etc.

To top it all off, I was feeling unsure of who I wanted to be and what I wanted to do.

Right after high school I was asked what I wanted to do for the rest of my life in my college application aka choosing a major. Given that History was one of my favorite subjects in school I decided that I was going to study History and become a teacher.

I enjoyed it when I first started it was fun, but gradually towards my last three years of college I started to feel a lack of motivation towards school. School wasn’t the only thing that I was lacking on, but my grades fell and I just didn’t have the motivation anymore. I would skip class (Especially my a.m. class) I started to loose motivation period. 

Summer 2016

Amidst going through some though times in my life and trying to figure out what I wanted from life. In the summer of 2016 after lots of research and lots of nights spent googling and reading other peoples blogs on how to start a blog I decided that I was going to start a blog of my own.

I discovered blogs from my English class, were we did some research on blogs and wrote about them. To say the least, I was hooked. I feel in love with fashion blogs, home decor blogs, personal development blog. You name it I was there. 

I spent my summer days and summer nights coming up with a name for my blog. I had a few names in mind in an old notebook were I wrote names of possible business and only to find out that they were taken. Until I came up with Candidly Yadi. Candid, because I wanted my post and everything about my blog to be honest and transparent. Yadi, because that is the nick name that I grew up with. 

I want my blog to be a place of inspiration. A place where I can find myself through my writing. A place were I can discover who I am. (or at least try). I  want my blog to be not only a place of inspiration for me, but for those who read it too. It’s also me documenting my journey in life and hopefully one day I’ll look back and read my blog and be like yeah I got through those thought times and it was because of this blog. 

The beginning … 

At first, I was super intimidated and wrote a few articles, but deleted them. It took me a while (A year! to be exact) to push the button to make my blog public. I was doing and learning about all of these cool things and writing things that interest me like my morning routine, but I found it difficult to promote myself. 

I’m an introvert and very conscious of myself. Until I told myself F it (for lack of a better word) I wanted to show others what I’ve been working on because I was proud of it. I went public and haven’t looked back and I’ve just been enjoy wiring about what interests me. 

A couple of years later… 

My blog tends to go to the back burner when ever something is going ‘wrong’ in my life. However, in 2018 I decided to make it a priority in my life.

I’ve found it that it’s like talking to a friend, whenever something is not going right in my life and I find that focusing all of my energy on something positive I no longer focus on whatever is bringing me down. 

I know that when I read other peoples blog it fells like I was talking to a friend when I read their back story.

So, that’s what I hope to accomplish with my own blog. To get to know other people and make them feel like if they are going through something that they are not alone. That’s what it really comes down to, that’s why I started this blog. I was in a really dark place in my life, where I felt (and If I’m being honest, I continue to feel) lost and that I didn’t know what I wanted from life. Through this blog though I have found my purpose and I want to use it as a way to document my life and help out others too. 

If you happen to stumble on this post or on my blog leave a comment saying hi, I will be more than happy to reply 🙂 

Follow me on Instagram: @Candidlyyadi

Check out my last post: What I’m Loving About My Mornings

I post on Mondays and Fridays if you would like to follow my journey. 



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