Why change is more than okay, its NECESSARY

Why change is more than okay, its NECESSARY

Change is not always easy and sometimes it is what we need even if we don’t think that at the time. Change is necessary for growth.

I read this article that I will link here That inspire me to write this blog post.

Even though when things are chaining around us like friendships or career paths or the city or town we live in we try to hold on to things.

For instance, for me, school. I graduated from college with a B.A. in History and didn’t know what I wanted from life. When we think about changing our careers it can seem like this scary thing at least it seemed this way to me because I am a first-generation college student and I worked really hard for my degree. Even though I didn’t end up going with where I had originally thought I was going to be heading off originally and my life plan has changed. I still have that experience of getting and nothing can take that away from me if anything I am grateful for the experience because of it I have been able to go so much further because of it.

First, changing my career.

When people ask you what you do they automatically make an assumption about you whether you want it or not. For me, choosing my own path (blogging) is a great way for me to express myself through words and even photography. I started this blog as a place to post how I’m feeling and also to help out other people who are feeling lost or as lost as I feel sometimes.

This is the reason why I started my blog because I admire other blogs and I wanted to try it myself, but mostly because I needed a creative outlet to express myself especially when I was feeling so lost in my life.

Equally as scary is a change in relationships. When we have friendships or family members or love interest that have changed because they change or we change it’s healthy to want something else. At times, there are relationships that just grow apart.

There are times where relationships are toxic and those we have to let go of people like that. Its not easy I find, but it is necessary and once you start breathing fresh air and you realize that letting go of that person or group people is beneficial for you.

Change has to happen in order for us to grow, it just has to happen. There is no way around it. And change is necessary for growth. If you really think about the times that you didn’t want to do something and life pushes you that way. Sometimes you have to trust the process of life.


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