10 Quotes To Live By

10 Quotes To Live By
Hi lovlies,

Welcome to another blog post! Today we are talking all things inspiration. Well specifically quote inspiration!

I love reading a good quote or one that really hits me deep when I needed it the most. Which is why I am sharing some of my favorite quotes that I LOVE and hope that you find them inspiriting as well!

I basically got most of these quotes from one of my favorite social media platforms: Pinterest If you are not following me there, make sure you follow along to keep on with the inspiration.

01. Get Into The Habit of Asking Yourself: Does This Support The Life I’m Trying To Create?

I love this quote because it can really put things into perspective. If what you are doing today is not taking you step closer to getting to your dream life then is it really worth it? Taking small steps towards the life you want to create and go to it like no other.

*quote: @hellooctober

02. You Have To Be Willing To Be BAD At It In Order To Get GOOD At It!

This is such a powerful statement. It’s not about perfection, it’s not about competing with someone else. It’s about doing it because it feels right to you. One of the biggest reason why It took me forever (a year! to be exact) to go public with my blog was because I was being such a perfectionist and I’ve talked about it before, but being bad at something is better than not trying anything at all.

I had to give myself the opportunity to try even if I was going to fail. Because we never know what can come from us trying.

03. A Dream written down becomes a goal, a goal broken down in steps becomes a plan. A plan backed up by actions becomes reality.

I feel like this is the part where my type A personality comes out in me. I love agendas, organization, and things that help you become productive. For the past two years I’ve written down my goals and a brief explanation of why that is important to me. Then I break down those goals into quarterly things that I can do to get closer to making that a reality.

Creating daily habits that help you reach your goals is like the small daily steps you take to climb the mountain.

04. Be gentle with yourself, you are doing the best that you can

I’ve actually talked about this extensively so I won’t go too much into it, but just know that how you speak to yourself is so important because the only person that you have to live with for the rest of your life is yourself. So be kind yourself. We are all humans trying to figure out this crazy roller coaster called life.

Blog Post: How You Speak To Yourself Matters

05. Replace fear of the unknown with curiosity

This quote is very similar to my second favorite quote it’s about not being afraid of change. Change is happening all around us constantly and being afraid of that change is not going to change anything. So why fear it? lets embrace it. Let us see the good and know that the universe is planning great things for us embrace change.

06. Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see – Mark Twain

When you put others in front of you and when you do something selflessly is probably one of the best feelings in the world. It doesn’t have to be something extravagant, but the simplest things like putting a smile on someone’s face diminishes anything “bad” that is going on in your life.

For instance, there is this student that I’ve been working with for the whole year. He didn’t want to follow directions in class he kept getting in trouble year round.

It was the last day of school and all the students had left home early and his mom had came back to the office and I saw him when we were both opening the office door.

He said hi to me and he told his mom excitedly, “Mom, that’s my teacher!” he said it so proudly that it melted my heart.

I was signing out and he was sitting with his little brother and I could just see from the corner of my eye how he kept looking at me and smiling. I had a little bubble machine gun thing that everyone from the class had gotten.

I was taking an extra home and then I saw his little brother and I gave it to him and he was so delighted and he was telling his mom, so happily that his teacher had given his little brother a toy.

Little things like that, can make such a big difference in ourselves lives.


I’ve always been a dreamer, I live in Lala land too often, I’m always think about something and Day Dreaming, don’t get me started. I’ve leaned something about that though. Wishing for things and just wishing for them does not change anything. Taking action and doing small things and even if you fail time and time again is much better than just wishing and doing nothing.

08. You get in life what you have the courage to ask for – Oprah Winfrey

I love things like the law of attraction which is why something like meditating and embracing what the universe is offering you. Oprah is one of those people that I admire because of her success in life and It is for that reason that I believe this quote is a must when you are trying to reach your goals in life.

09. Sometimes you don’t feel the weight of something you been carring until you feel the weight of its release
Blog Post: Transform your life by letting things go 

10. this too shall pass

I got this quote on my body, not the top picture, that would be too long haha I’m taking about the quote this too shall pass and I feel like the top quote really explains my quote.

It’s about not making excuses and making the best out of what you do have. It’s about taking the little leaps in life, it’s about living your best life because this is the only life we get and we won’t get those moment back. So might as well live it to the fullest with no regrets.

Let me know what your favorite quote is! And if you found this blog post helpful.


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