Fall Morning Routine

Fall Morning Routine

Routines, I find, are great when establishing habits. I know that when I first started to create my morning routine it felt odd, I would think to myself that they were only for Youtubers, but as I have started to get into creating habits I find that creating routines is important for creating habits. 

Creating a productive morning routine especially once the weather starts to cool down is essential to keep on top of goals. 

5:00 a.m. 

I try to wake up at 5 am Monday – Saturday (Do know that try is the key word) because that way I can take the morning easy and focus on reading a book. This month I have been reading one non-fiction book and a fiction book. I love to read and/or journal. It’s a great way to start my morning, enjoying a book without getting distracted on my phone. 

Plus, the golden hour of the mooring is magical no one is awake at this time so It’s great for getting lots of things done when others are sleeping. I put my alarm away from my bed so that way when it sounds off I get up to turn it off. 

Top 4 things I like to focus on 

  1. Reading a chapter from my book(s)
  2. Journaling 
  3. Reading for school 
  4. Agenda and To-Do List.

6:00 – 6:30 a.m. 

By the time 6 rolls around I get out of bed and change into some leggings and pull up a hoody and I grab Hazel and her leash and take her for a small walk, this is when I like to look through my social media and I’ve been obsess with listening to podcast and I’ve been loving The Health Code and Kayln Nicholsons podcast.

7:00 a.m. 

Is when I start to get ready. My cloths are already set up the night before and I like put it either in the bathroom countertop or in my desk so that I grab it and get ready. I also do my makeup around this time and my hair. I usually take around 20-30 minutes, depending if I am strengthening my hair or not. 

7:30 a.m. 

I start my coffee, I’ve been in love with Hazel Nut coffee for the longest time with brown cane sugar and a whole lot of Almond milk. It’s my treat for waking up so early in the morning. My breakfast differ based on what I am craving at the moment, but for this season I gravitate towards warm and hardy foods. 

I also use this time to check my emails and catch up on social media etc.

8:00 a.m.

I start to get my bag ready, as well as my snacks and water bottle. I tend to leave a little bit earlier just because I’d rather be there early and use that extra time If I get early to continue checking my emails or complete any homework until I have to actually start work.

There you have it my fall morning routine. My morning routine differs based on what need to do for that day. For instance, on Wednesdays I have to go in early for work which means I have to speed up the process of some things like for how long I walk Hazel or for how long I read a chapter of a book etc. 

Fall Morning Routine // candidlyyadi.com // Productivity


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