Growing up in Southern California I have a distinctive memory of the “Paletero Man” (The Ice Cream man) around our neighborhood. I remember summers playing in someones pool and as soon as we heard the song we would all ran out to get our dollars to chase this man who came with cold treats to cool us off on the hot summer days.
I’m back home for the summer and I feel really sad that I don’t see the ice cream man as often to I decided to make my own popsicles at home. Not only were they delicious, but they were also really healthy filled with fruits and I knew every single ingredient that went in.
They are a great treat to enjoy for the Fourth Of July, taking them to the park for a picnic, or enjoying at the beach or the lake.
Lemon Popsicles
The first ingredient that I used were lemon, water, and a bit of sugar.
I had a cup of water and squeezed out lime juice on top. Adding a table spoon of sugar so that it wouldn’t be so tart. I poured the mix into these little popsicle makers that were a few dollars.
I made one with pure strawberries, I also added a bit of sugar, and a cup of water.
Strawberries with Milk
In addition to creating pure strawberrie popsicles, I also created ones with greek yogurt and almond milk. Any milk works perfectly fine.
The last one that I made was of Blueberries. I followed the same process of putting blue berries in a blender, about a handful, and then added a bit of sugar because blue berries are a bit tart, and then added some water. I mixed it all in and poured into the small pop containers.
Let me know if you tried to recreate any of these, and I really like there are so many options. You can add mint to the lime popsicles and they would be great treats to take to the beach or to the lake or even to a picnic to the park.
I’m also planning on doing some watermelon ones. Not only are they easy to recreate, but you know all the ingredients that are going in.
Check out my last blog Post: 6 Month Goal Update and Breaking Goals Quarterly