My Goals for 2020

My Goals for 2020
Hello Lovlies, Happy 2020

It’s insane that we are starting a whole new year, a whole new roaring 20’s. If you’re reading this I hope nothing but the best wishes for a happy, healthy and truly fulfilling 2020.

This is the season where we start to reflect on our goals and this year is no different. There is something so satisfying about writing on a blank paper our hopes and wishes and something that ignites this fire of hope inside of all of us. With that being said, I’ll leave you with some of my previous goals from previous years.




Honestly, my goals haven’t changed much but the way that I approach them has. I’ve learned so much and grown so much and seen what has worked and what I still continue to work on.

I did this thing previously where I created a spread on my bullet journal on my 2019 goals and I separated them into categories and then underneath I had smaller steps in which I could get closer to those goals.

This year, I decided to use both paper and technology to help me with achieving my goals. It has these categories from Family, Friends, and Romance and then it has Healthy, Fitness, School, Career, and Growth/Learning, etc.


I’ve always had the type of friendships where it doesn’t feel like friends, but more like a family and I’ve always valued the people that see friendships like that. I notice though that I haven’t made time for the people that really matter to me. This year I want to make more of an effort to spend time with people that make me happy. I also feel like I haven’t met people since college and that makes me really sad because I like to met new people and create new friendships.  

My family has always been there to help me out so I must help them out as much as possible. There are goals that I have been wanting to achieve for such a long time and it’s definitely exciting to take small steps towards creating good relationships because let’s be honest the one thing people say they regret not doing more in life is spending it with family and friends. 


When I was in college that was the time when I really got into health and fitness and ever since I have been trying to find a way to make it a part of my everyday life without burning out too fast. I want to get a gym membership, but before I do that, I want to really challenge myself to take small steps into building a good relationship with fitness like being practical about my workouts.

In 2019, I really enjoyed watching Matt D’avellas videos and all the challenges that he made for himself and I want to challenge myself this year by taking a 30-day challenge every month and see how I can grow from that myself. I’m starting it off by walking at least 2k for 30 days and the reason why I went specifically for 2k was because I started walking and I found that I found walking 1k too simple and it wasn’t challenging enough and with 2k it was doable, but also something where at the end of it I felt really good.  

I’m planning on writing out or making videos on my experience let me know what you think in the comments below 🙂  


If you look at the title it feels like a lot, but it definitely a mixture of things that I want to be doing and also things that really inspire me. I’m still in school and that’s something that I’ve slowly kept and then there is the thing that I work at often and love and enjoy so much and it’s this blog and writing and creativity and really creative things. I love that.

I’d love to make this little hobby of mine into a career because I look up to people who have made it that. It’s fascinating that they get to wake up every single day and create their own road map and that fascinates me. A goal that I have had for a long time has been to create my own Agenda. Aa many of you might know I really like agendas and love what they do for us, they are powerful tools for us to achieve our goals and I’ve had this goal of making my own agenda one that is helpful for other people.  


I’ve always loved reading books, but during college, I felt like I hated it because I was forced to read books that to me are boring and I had no interest in it. So reading and books can be fun and enjoyable when it’s done when your curious and hungry for a topic. Which is why I always gravitated towards fictional books which I still love and will always love, but I also found a deep joy in self-help books and motivational books and those are the types of books that I love to read which is why I want to incorporate more of that passion for reading again in my life and even for writing too.

I’ve always love journaling and I find that not just journaling, but also writing my own fiction stories and creating characters and settings and plots and exploring that human emotion and that form of creativity.  

I want to focus more on yoga and meditation and the reason for that is that one of the things that I discovered that I love so much in college while finding what kinds of workouts I enjoyed was yoga and I took this yoga class in college and it was transformative. I want to focus on breathing exercises and being more present I found was easier through yoga. Yoga for me is more than a physical awareness it really helps me feel in-tune with my mental state as well. 


I want to get rid of debt. That has been my goal since the end of 2018 and I still have a long way to go, but I’m really glad that there are so many resources out there to educate us about finances and I’m just picking and choosing things that work for me and trying them out. Last year, I discovered Dave Ramseys Baby steps  and they are helpful when it comes to being practical about my finances.  

I’ve mentioned it quite a bit on this blog, but I’m a creature of my environment I love to have things around me that inspire me and things that bring me joy. I consider my bedroom my sanctuary and finally, after saying for such a long time that I wanted a desk to work at that I would be productive and honestly since building that desk  it has made me a more productive individual when it comes to achieving my goals.  

Traveling is one of those things that I wish I could do more of but haven’t really made it a priority and I really want to explore the world and just immerse myself in it. It doesn’t even have to be this elaborate thing, but even traveling to a new state or discovering a new place where I live can really make a big difference in my life.

I started using Trello which is like an online planner and I wrote down my goals and then small steps in which I can achieve those goals underneath. I like it because I can create different boards like my monthly boards or my editorial calendar for this blog or for upcoming things. It’s a great way to stay motivated and also to move things around and delete them If I need to.  

What are your goals for 2020? Let me know in the comments below!


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