Book Review: You Are A Badass At Making Money by Jen Sincere

Book Review: You Are A Badass At Making Money by Jen Sincere

Hello Lovely, 

In todays blog post we are going to be talking about one of my favorite authors, Jen Sincero, more specifically her book “You Are A Badass at Making Money.” I always recommend friends to read this book if they are interested in dipping their toes in self-help books. It is small enough to get through (Although it took me more than a year to actually finish it. YIKE!) She is witty and funny all while feeling inspiring. 

This is actually my second copy of Jen Sincero’s book. I started reading her book “You Are A Badass” and wasn’t able to finish it because it got wet (long story) and it became ineligible. It was so good that I decided I was going to repurchase it, but I saw this one and it was at the time that I was trying to get my finance in order so I deiced to grab her “You Are A Badass At Making Money.” 

Here are the 10 lessons that stood out from reading this book and I hope you will go out and give it a read. 


Not only did this book help me realize that I need to figure out my why for money, but also why for life. Let me explain, everything that we do should have purpose and direction. For instance, Why is it that I want to make a specific type of money? What will this money bring to my life? What is it going to be used for? Keep you why present at all times and don’t loose track of it to start on those goals. 


One of the points that Jen writes throughout her book is doing everything and anything to get your dream life. Your goals and dreams are all on the other side of your comfort zone. If you been looking for a dream job and you’re afraid to make the jump for whatever reason. In her book, Jen says that money gives you the freedom to create the wealth instead of settling into what you think can get. You have to be willing to do everything to get rich. 



Possibly my favorite chapter from this book was on the topic of your environment. It’s about not about what is your current reality, but it is about believing that the Universe is infinite and that regardless of your current circumstance anything is possible. The example that she gives about her dream space was near the beach. Which at the time she couldn’t afford, but there was an opening for a place, and it was near the location she desired to be. So she remained persistent and she was able to get it, a garage. It wasn’t exactly what she had dreamt about, but with a little paint a little imagination she was able to transform it to place that felt less like a garage and more like a home. Making even the smallest changed to your space can really make a big difference. 


It can be through meditation, vision board, or anything that helps you think about your goal on a daily basis. Like I mentioned in the beginning keeping your why present is very important in order to achieve the goal. And we are creature that are visual (which is why platforms like Youtube, Instagram, and Pinterest are so successful!) so be visual about it. Not only writing down your goals somewhere, but also printing out pictures of places and things that really inspire you. I love Weheartit, Instagram, and Pinterest. (All which you can follow me on btw ;))


When we think about money we think of course I want money to come into our lives. but our actions may be different when we get money do we start to waste it on things that don’t work in our lives. 

The reality is that no amount of money is the source of real happiness. But what it does do it allows us to have the lives that we truly desire. The reality is would you rather be broke and miserable or would you rather have money and be struggling. Personally, I would prefer the later. 

“A healthy desire for wealth is not greed, it’s a desire for life.” (17)


Whether we like it or not we live in a world were things cost money. In order to be our fullest happiness and badass self we need money because money is a tool and that tool allows us to build the life that we want to have. Again, realizing that money isn’t evil of bad is one of the biggest steps to understanding that money is only a tool and that it is an exchange of energy. You trade in money for whatever product or service that brings happiness to your life. 

Hobbies gives us freedoms. For instance, if you want to get healthy you might think about registering to a gym, and you need gym cloths, and you need shoes to workout in and you want to start eating a cleaner diet so you buy healthy groceries that are a little bit more pricy, but also help you look and feel your best. 

Maybe you dream about being a writer one day (like myself) and you want to start looking writing stories. For me, being in a coffee shop with coffee in one hand and my laptop in front of me with an idea is my perfect place on earth. And guess what that latte cost money, that computer that I am typing in cost money too. So yes, we have these things that bring us joy and happiness and it cost money. So realizing that and realizing that money is only a tool to get the things that we want in life is crucial. 


Something that really struck me is that we cannot give what we do not have. But when we start to build wealth we are able to be of help to close friends and family and even have enough money to help out others.  

When you feel financially secure you can spread the love. A family member has an emergency? you are a great source to help. Giving back to charities and organizations that really matter to you. And if you know a little bit about Dave Ramseys Baby Steps then you know this is an important step to take. 


Life is a balance. Yes, take the risk and enjoy what your heart desires. But also be responsible and have money saved up for a rainy day. Act as if the things that you want in life are already here and they are within hands reach for you to get it. 


“What comes out of your mouth comes into your life” 

I spoke about this in another blog post about letting go of words that are toxic. Instead, focus on your life and what makes you happy. 

I would really recommend that you read and do the practices that she mentions at the end of each chapter. They really add action to what you just read like mantras that you can do about money to get you to change your subconscious belief about money. 

For instance one of her practices is to find something that is no longer serving purpose in your life and something that you are scared to go because it provides a small step in letting it go. 


The boost of confidence that it brings when you have the power of knowing that you did everything within your power to get rich. From having the freedom to let you spend time with family and friends. From being able to travel the world and be around new cultures and foods and people. Everything that lights you up to your fullest potential. That is what money gives you. And it is reminding ourselves that money is the tool that gets us there is so important. Money gives us freedoms to help family members in need, it gives us freedoms to pay for emergencies instead of turning into an emergency it will be an inconvenience. Money gives us the possibility to spend quality time with our families. 

You have to be willing to do things that make you uncomfortable, you cant expect to do the same things and expect the same results. 

This year, I decided that I wanted to really know my finances and not just save money. But also make more money. Yes, having a budget and knowing how to handle the money that comes in is very important. This year, I want to increase my income and also find a way to save it and use it wisely. 

Thank you so much for reading this! It means the world to me. Leave a comment below on your financial goals for 2019. 


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