How To Have A Productive Week With GYST

How To Have A Productive Week With GYST

If you’re a productivity geek then you might have heard of the word “GYST” It stands for “Get Your Shit Together”. I first heard about this from Kalyn Nicholson, one of my favorite YouTubers.

She is one of my favorite YouTubers and one thing that I picked up early on was setting yourself up for success.  

I love Mondays because they represent a fresh start, they feel the same way January 1 feels like. However, before January 1 hits I usually like to do various things like buying a brand new agenda, declutter, set up goals and reflect on my previous year.  Similarly I do that every week and every month.  

Here are eight ways in which you can create a GYST routine to have a more productive week ahead.

  01. Meal Prep  

If you are trying to be more healthy. It’s so much easier when you prep the day before or the week before. You can meal prep for Monday through Wednesday and set up a time to meal prep for the rest of the week.

Not only will you be a healthier because you know the ingredient that are going in, but you’ll also save money.

So maybe your goal is to save more money this year and the way to cut back is with food and meal prepping is a great way.

There are glass or plastic containers that you can buy that are great for meal prepping on places like Amazon or even Home Goods

02. Set Up Your Workout Cloths  

Kind of on the note of fitness, is using Sunday as a day to plan your fitness goals, like planning the times and days that you will be working out. Maybe you are planning on working out 2x a week and maybe its Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Have your workout cloths ready that you will be using for your workouts the week before and place it somewhere where you can see it. 

03. Agenda

When you use an agenda you allow yourself your brain to take a break. You don’t have to worry about missing bill payments or missing appointments, etc. Take advantage of an agenda by writing down and breaking down the things that you want to accomplish.  

There are so many agendas out there for people from teachers, bloggers, and students.

Look at various styles like hourly calendars or even habit tracker agendas (I have two that I purchased at Walmart and they are really great at keeping track of habits that I want to achieve). 

04. Tidy up your environment 

 When you create a neat environment or when you tidy up the things that you were not able to before then you are setting up yourself for achieving more. It doesn’t have to be hours and hours, just things that you were not able to accomplish over the week. 

05. Set Goals – Daily, Weekly, Monthly

Planning a big goal can seem intimidating and difficult to figure out where you want to start which is why taking a big yearly or five year goal and breaking it down monthly, then weekly, and then daily can be so much easier.

For Instance, my goal is to be a real estate agent and my goal was to take classes which I did and that was a yearly goal, and now my goal is to study three chapters every single week so that I can take the exam and pass the first time.

By breaking down a big goal of being an agent into small steps like studying for 2 hourse every day it makes it easier. 

06. Pamper yourself

My Favorite Nail Polish For Summer -

Use the weekend to pamper yourself and do things for you, even just painting your nails, getting a hair cut, or even putting on a face mask can make a big difference in your mood or just your overall well being and your mood. 

07. Vision Board

Ive talked about creating a vision board before and it doesn’t have to be a vision board the way that you did in high school that it looks like a collage, you can create a collection on WeHeartIt and add images that inspire you for that day or that week or that month and always look at it. 

08.  Reflect

If you don’t already visualize, journal, or meditate then I would highly recommend that you take some time during your weekend to reflect on things that worked, what didn’t, things that made you happy, gratitude, or even things that were difficult for you and using that as a guide to help you learn and grow.  

GYST is about taking a day out of the week and get your life in order or even to slow down a little and make time for goals, things that make you happy, or even catching up on things. When you dedicate time to your self and what you want, then its more easier to achieve those things and also allows you to just be and appreciate your accomplishments. 



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