My Goals For 2019

My Goals For 2019

Hello and Welcome back. This year feels different in some ways, we are all super excited and pumped for this year because I’ve seen so so many people posting up inspiration for the new year and I’ve been bite by that bug as well.

Which is why I decided to post up my goals for 2019.

Some people refer to them as resolutions others prefer goal setting. Whatever you call it, it is great to see everyone setting up a plan towards being better this year.

Here are some of my goals for the new year.

Making More Time In My Day

One of my all-time goals is to make more time throughout my day. So much research has pointed out that people are successful, due to the amount of stuff they get done in one day. Well, a big secret (I think its still a secret?) is that successful people wake-up really early and as the saying goes the early bird catches the warm.

The way I see it, you can either stay asleep and keep dreaming of your goals or you can wake up and make them a reality.

The reason I want to start waking up so early (5 a.m. to be exact) is because I want to use my time wisely in the morning and have more time throughout the day for things that really matter to me. One them, for instance, is this blog! Another goal that I want to touch in more this year is to post consistently on my blog. I love creative writing and this place has offered so much for me, regardless of who reads it or not. I find that blogging is such a great hobby that I love to do and want to learn more about. In 2018, I felt like I did a good job, but in 2019 I want to do an even better job at being a consistent blogger.

In addition to blogging, I want to start a YouTube channel and using this time early in the morning is such a great time for me to do some reattach and devise a plan to see how I will be able to make this happen.

Health and Fitness

I know super cliche goal. However, I think looking to improve your health is never a bad thing. Starting with small and simple habits like drinking more water, getting a good nights rest, not eating out, meals prepping, experimenting in the kitchen with healthy recipes, meditating, practicing yoga in your own home, or even taking your dog for walks daily can all be goals that contribute to your overall health.

Choosing to prioritize your health and doing the little things that can make a big difference in the long run. For the first quarter of 2019, I will focus on meal prepping, practicing meditation, and walking my dog daily. And slowly work my way up to working out and doing strength training and yoga.


Talking about meal prepping another goal that I am choosing to focus more on this year is creating a budget. In January I became obsessed with watching Dave Ramsey videos where he talks about the Baby Steps to becoming debt free and also to start building up for the future.

I’ve been watching and reading the journey that other people have had with following these steps and their success stories are truly inspiring. Because let’s face it we work too hard for our money and it should feel like it is going down the drain.

Time Management & Organization

Like I mentioned, in the beginning, my biggest goals this is to give it my all to all the things that I am working with which is why time management and being wise with whom and also what I spend my money and my time with is very important.

Which just means that I want to figure out different ways to be more productive and to make better use of my time and also to be super organized and declutter whatever no longer serves a purpose in my life.

Last but not least is getting as much travel as I can this year, my 2019 Bucket-list a blog post I posted, is a little road map of places that I would love to see and experience. This year I am going to be turning 25, which is always exciting and I really want to get some things down before I hit a big milestone in my life. In addition, I have a few other goals that I want to keep underline and when they slowly start to unravel I could definitely make a blog post about it If anyone is interested or curious just let me know in the comments below!

Some related post that you might be interested in:

How To Become A Morning Person

My Morning Routine

Bullet Journal for 2019

January Bullet Journal Set Up

Disclaimer: The picture that you see above was taken by me when I went to a photography museum, I like that it is picture of a picture with myself in the salute in the background, but the scenery in front of me is not by me. I hope this makes sense so if you know who the artist is of the scenery in just let know so that I can give him or her credit. Thank You!


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