Five Tips To Becoming A Morning Person!

Five Tips To Becoming A Morning Person!

Over my summer of 2016, I decided that I was going to do it. I was going to become a morning person and although I have been saying this for the past three years. (Dare I say my New Years Resolutions!) I find it that that way I can actually be a morning person, instead of just wishing to be one. However, not just waking up early, but being consistent so that I can start off my day right.

Here are some tips that I have added to my morning routine to helped me wake up early and ready to conquer the day and they can definitely help you too.

01. Put your alarm across the room.

Okay I get it, the snooze button can be sooo tempting sometimes, but you’ll find that the best way to get out of bed is to put your alarm across the room, that way you are forced to get up and turn off the alarm. Instead of pressing the snooze button over and over again.

Even better, set your alarm to have no snooze button at all that way you don’t set yourself up for failure. Instead, you make it mental note that the first time it rings you have to get out of bed to turn it off without pressing snooze 10 times.

Bonus:  If you put an upbeat song that you enjoy singing to or dancing to as your alarm tone, you will most likely wake up happy, instead of with one that doesn’t sound as pleasant. 

02. Open up your window(s).

You will be surprise how something as simple as opening your window can have a big impact on you to wakeup earlier. It ensures that you will stay awake and not crawl back into bed.

Plus, letting in natural daylight opens up your room and you get to breathe some fresh air which is a great way to instantly wake up!

03. Make your bed

I know, I know. We are all adults now, and we don’t want to hear what our parents have been telling us since we were kids, but seriously, do it.

Personally, I have made my bed since I was a kid and it was something that I had to get done right away. I have developed the good habit of making my bed daily, and you can too!

Making your bed tells your brain and body, “If the bed is made then you can start the day, there is no crawling back in.” Plus, because the bed tends to be the central point of any bedroom you will feel 10x more productive by just making your bed.

04. Do something that you enjoy!

Waking up early is so much more than checking things off a list. The reason you should wake up early is not just to be productive, but to make time for something that you want to work towards to (who doesn’t want to start the day doing something they love?! I know I do).

There are so many things to choose from like enjoying a warm cup of coffee, reading a good book, or journaling.


+ Journaling


+Reading a book



For me, I’ve gotten into journaling, I got this cute and inexpensive notebook were I like to write all of my morning thoughts.

Whatever you do, make sure that you are doing it for you! I love writing down my thoughts and what I’m grateful for that day as well what I hope to accomplish today. Nothing says productivity to me than writing down, envisioning and setting a plan in motion to work towards my goals. Do whatever works for you. Try things out. What do you have to lose? you might find something that you love.

05. Don’t skip breakfast!

Just don’t do it. Okay, so I myself have been guilty of this one way too often. I wake up late and only have a few minutes left, so breakfast becomes one of the last things on my mind. However, I have been trying to make it a habit to have something for breakfast.

To prevent that from happening to you, always try to have a granola bar or some fruit in your bag or if you want to get real crafty put your house keys or car keys inside the fridge with your breakfast (crazy I know, but a girls got to do what a girls got to do!). That way you will not end up on an empty stomach.

The good things about waking up early are that the day is filled with so much possibility. I Hope these tips helped you have a productive morning.

I would love to hear what you do to have a productive morning, comment below! Enjoy your morning!


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