Anticipating Autumn

Anticipating Autumn //

Happy Fall! if you are reading this you are probably as excited as I am about Fall being here. If I’m being honest I already started to take out all of my fall decorations and I already started bing watching all of the falls videos that other people have started to make.

I already painted my nails black, I started buying fuzzy and warm cloths, and I am currently on the hunt for some Bath and Body Works candles, lotions, body sprays, wall plug ins and car scents (as a seasonal tradition!) and I have been pinning and adding hearts to my social media to continue the festive mood.

I tend to do a bucket-list every season so that I can set up a road map of some of the things that I hope to accomplish for that season. 

Here are somethings that I am anticipating for this season:

01. Bonfires 

I’m excited for the weather to start cooling down because it’s a great time to hang around the fire and listen to good music and just watch the sun set as the backdrop and being surrounded by friends. This weather specifically is perfect for grabbing some friends and sitting outside enjoying the cool weather with a warm cup drink on hand.

speaking about drinks…

02. It’s PUMPKIN SPICE season

This season tends to get a bit crazy with the pumpkin spice, but I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s probably the most basic thing to do, but I love spending time in coffee shops inhaling the scent of coffee and doing work while enjoy a nice pumpkin spice latte, there I said it.

Coffee is that one treat that I look forward to every single day of the season.

03. Weather & Leaves changing color

I’m very aware that I live in California and we don’t really get real seasons like other places do. However, that doesn’t stop the giddiness out of me when I wake up early in the morning and I see a bed of fog covering everything.

I mean, It is kind of scary when I’m diving, but besides that point everything else is magical. It feels like I’m in a mystery movie of some sort. And the changing colors of threes also remind me that we must shed the old away and make way for the new.

Plus, the quilaiadiscope of color makes me so happy because its a sign a new season has arrived.

04. Visit Places

That being said, there are places in the west coast that have beautiful cool weather. I would love to head up north to San Francisco and Seattle. Not only to enjoy the cool and refreshing coastal weather but also to go to some trendy coffee shops and just be in the city an enjoy the cooler weather in a bit city environment.

05. Fuzzy socks, pajamas, and blankets

I’m probably going to build a forth at some point or another and read a book in there. I love spending an afternoon in my room just reading a good book or watching a movie. Which why having fuzzy socks, cute pajamas, and soft cuddly blankets are a must have this time around.

06. Fall movie marathon

I love watching serious of fall these movies this time around. Some of my all time favorites are on Free Form where they have the 13 nights of horror series that include The Harry Potter Series, Adams Family, Twilight Saga, Halloween Town, Sleepy Hollow, Night Mare Before Christmas, and of course  a classic Hocus Pocus.

07. Get my hair died

Getting my hair done this year before my 24 birthday. I’ve been dying to add some caramel highlights to my hair to add some warmth to it for the season. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while and thought that doing it as a small birthday present for myself would be nice.

08. Pumpkin Picking

I cant wait to make cute jack o lanterns and put them out on my front yard. The whole event of picking and carving a whole jack o lantern is a bat of a tradition with some good food and some good music or watching one of the movies from my fall marathon is a great way to pass an evening.

09. Candles

No place for fall is set until you purchase some yummy smelling candles in my opinion. It is the small flame and the aroma that spread throughout the entire home that brings it all together. My favorite candles has to be Autumn from Bath and Body Works.

10. Books

I have a future post planned for some of my favorite books to read during this fall time. Mostly, I like to stick to fiction books during this time because the cooler weather and the fog outside make it feel like I am part of the story.  Any Mystery or Fiction books that you think might be good, send them my way 🙂 I always love discovering good books to read next.

11. Making a Haunted House at Work

I work with kids and something that we do every single year, and I have been doing for the past three years is a haunted house. It is super fun because we get to stay a few extra hours after work and form groups and build a haunted house, it’s fun to spook the kids and their families that come in. 

12. Halloween

If I’m being honest I have not dressed up for halloween in my grown up days. I used to do it when I was little of course, but feel out of it as I have gotten older. I would really like to paint a half skull in my face, I already own possible the coolest leather jacket in the world which would be fun to incorporate into a halloween costume.

13. Celebrating My Birthday 

I’m turning 24 this year! I cant even believe it myself, in some ways I don’t feel any different and other ways I do. I’m excited though I don’t have any plans so far, but I was thinking that Disney Land sounds fun and so does Universal Studios. Good thing my birthday falls of this season because the possibilities of fun activities are endless.

What are some fun activities that you can’t wait to do this Fall?

Anticipating Autumn //


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