Transform Your Life By Letting Things Go

Transform Your Life By Letting Things Go
Good Morning, 

It is currently 6:00 a.m. in the morning and I’m typing this up and excited to take a sip of coffee in a matter of a few minutes. But first before I dunk in to my coffee (head first) I wanted to talk about life lessons that I have learned and that is the realization that it is okay to let go of something that is causing us pain holding on to.

Holding on to toxic people, old habits, and bad experiences can be life changing when we start to see things for what they are and letting go of these things can allow us to have space for the good in our lives.

I hope that my reflection on these lessons can have a positive impact on my life as well as that person who reads this post.

Here are some things that have served me either from Podcast, books I’ve read, videos that I’ve watched and from personal experiences.

Let Go of…

01. The Past

“A fool only trips with things in the past”

The quote that I put above is one of my favorites. The past is the past and no one can change it. When I was younger I used to spend hours day dreaming of wanting to change my past. I used to think “If I could change the past I would (fill in the blank).”

I didn’t realize until I was older that life is happing right now and I can’t wish things differently. It’s not easy, especially for a person like myself that is a day dreamer. That being said, it’s important to know that life is too precious to be living in the past. What we do right now affects us at this moment. Focus on right now, and focus on doing things you love.

02. Bad Habits

This year, like every other year one of my biggest goals is to wakeup early. (yay! woke up early to work on this blog post, brownie points for me! haha). I truly believe that waking up early helps me achieve my goals. If I wakeup up early, I make more time throughout my day to accomplish my goals.

For instance, if you want to build a healthy lifestyle like working out or meal prepping they require small daily habits. Waking up an hour or two adds the time that you need in your day to focus on that.

However, the other side of this are bad habits. Breaking bad habits like waking up at the last minute, or pressing snooze way too may times, or eating unhealthy foods. All which I have been guilty of doing myself. So I know how it feels like to try to break off bad habits.

But waking up early and the feeling of accomplishing something before the sun is up is motivational in itself and causes momentum and momentum causes us to have a snowball effect on achieving our goals.

Blog Post That Might Interest You: Morning Habits 

03. Perfectionism

It is my creative achilies and I feel like other people feel this way too. I am such a perfectionist with everything I do.

When I started this blog I had more than 10 articles, but I didn’t go public until a year later and it was all because I wanted my site to be perfect. I wanted everything to be perfect and for the site to look like other bloggers, who by the way, had been blogging since 2008, so yes they knew a little more about this platform than me and yes they had invested more time than me and yes they had a fully running blog with professional equipment too.

We can’t compare our beginning to someone else’s middle or top.

Perfectionism only held me back. Many times because we expect everything to be perfect we don’t do anything at all which is even worse. What we want doesn’t even get to see the day light because in our eyes it isn’t perfect.

Letting go of perfectionism is allowing us to have the freedom to do the things that we want to do.

04. Control

In life we have to realize that we have little to no control of situations or over other people. The only thing in life that we do have control over is how we react to things.

Looking at life with gratefulness even when things aren’t going great, looking at life through abundance and joy even when the world is though. That is what we can control everything else is out of our hands.

05. Toxic People

If you are surround by people who only drain your energy, people who don’t support you, people who only look for you when they need something then it’s time to let them go.

The type of people that we surround ourselves with is very important. Because their energy is contagious and if you surround yourself with negative people you will find yourself feeling that way too.

It is your job to realize who the people that don’t bring any joy to your life and your job to say “No, I refuse to give you my valuable time” and No you don’t have to be rude or mean. Choosing to focus your energy working on you, don’t make yourself available to toxic people. Instead, fill your time meeting knew and inspiring beings.

06. Comparison game

You are unique and there is no one like you. Something that I have learned as I got older is that we are all unique and we should all be celebrated in our own way.

If we all look the same or have the same talents or the same qualities then they wouldn’t be unique to us. The little things in our lives is what makes us us.

This can be especially hard because we live in such a big social media age when we see other peoples profiles and they look like they have perfect lives and it feels like they have never gone through a bad day.

It’s important to know that we all do it, we all post the highlights of our lives on social media and it’s important to remember that we cant compare our lives to something that is on social media.

07. Excuses

Excuses are just like Perfectionism they are something that we have to battle so that we can get things done. Excuses are us going round and round in circles and they serve us no purpose.

For instance, when I wanted to wake up early in the morning I would put excuses early in the morning and then I started realizing that we are the only person that is hold ourselves from accomplishing the things that we want.

08. Complaining

I really like how Casey Neistat puts complaining in a video. Basically, you don’t have room to complain because if you are forutine enough to even be reading this regardless of where it’s at you are already more blessed than other people on planet earth.

There are always people that have it worse than you do. Practice gratitude instead, focus on the things you do have and you will realize just how blessed you are already.

  09. Trying To Please Everyone

I am a people pleaser I admit. I used to be so afraid of saying no to someone because it felt like I was being rude or I was scared of what they would think of me. Subconsciously and Un-subconsciously I wanted them to like me.

Saying no to someone means that you get to say yes to yourself to something that truly adds value to you. Don’t try pleasing anyone but yourself because remaining true to you is where is not selfish it’s about focusing on what is important to you.

     10. Saying I’m sorry

I’m actually still working on this, but something that I have realize is that I shouldn’t be saying I’m sorry. I started catching myself that I would say I’m sorry to people without thinking it. I had NOTHING to be sorry about. For instance, If I forgot to take out the trash I would say, “I’m so sorry, I forgot to take out the trash. I left for work and completely forgot.” I started appoligozing and I didn’t know why. Say I’m sorry when its something that you truly feel sorry about.

Of course, when you truly feel sorry you did something It should feel like you are apologizing for something you truly feel bad about. Instead of saying it because you want someone to like you or because you are making your self smaller in order not to feel like you are confronting someone.

11. Worrying of the opinion of others

This blog itself is me telling the world that I’m going to write what I love and I’m going to make it happen. Being a blogger, has thought me, to not worry about what others have to say about me. If we put our worth on what other people have to say about us then we give them that power.

In turn, we are not confident, we do things to please other people and not ourselves and when we don’t focus on us and we want, then you feel drained, unmotivated.

I truly hope this inspired you to let go of things that no longer serve you in your life and that you took one or two points from this article.

What are some things you want to let go of in 2019? Let me know on the comments below or on social media.


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