Winter Morning Routine – 2018

Winter Morning Routine – 2018

I love watching morning routines on YouTube, they are by far one of my favorite videos to watch. I feel motivated to up my game with my own morning routine, and one of my greatest goal is to have a consistent morning routine that I can be proud of and having it become a habit.

Here is my current morning routine:

Don’t forget to comment below what your favorite part of your morning is!

6:00 – 6:30 am 

My alarm goes off. The first one at 6:00 and then I know I have 30 minutes to wake up. Whether that be 10 minutes or sometimes the whole 30 minutes.

I then, go on to check my social media. It’s a horrible habit to have, honestly, but I’m working on it. I’ve started instead keeping a book next to my nightstand and instead I’ve pushed myself to read more often a chapter rather then spend so much time online.

6:30 am

At this point I’m wide awake and I’m usually getting out of my bed and ready to start the day. I have my cloths laid out the night before that way I don’t waste time trying to find cloths that match. I also have my shoes laid out and anything else I might need.

I’m getting ready doing my hair and makeup. I usually head to the bathroom to wash my face and this is when I like to do my morning winter skin care routine

7:30 am

I’m usually getting breakfast ready. I like to do granola with slices of banana and almond milk along with my warm cup of coffee.

When I’m eating breakfast I’m usually checking up on my social media and catch up on what others were doing while I was asleep.

I then move on to checking my email. I tend to get really stressed out when reading emails so I like to schedule in a few minutes in the morning and a few minutes at night that way I’m not waisting time checking email all day long.


By this time I’m grabbing my wallet and my tags for my first job and head out to my car and start my day at my first job. All in all my mornings are very simple and straight forward since I know were Im suppose to be at what time.

In case you were wondering I don’t really workout in the mornings unless I have the day off of its the weekend either then that I like to workout in the evening when I get back from work.


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