October Goals

October Goals
Happy October 1!!!

(By the way, I wrote this on October 1st, but you guys won’t see it till the end of the week :))

Words can’t express how happy I am that it’s October. Its no secret around here that Fall is my favorite season and it’s FINALLY starting to feel like real Fall around my neck of the woods. 

Besides being stoked about the weather, the season of change. I’m excited for a new month. This month offers a fresh start, a fresh chapter. I’ve been in a bit of a rut as of lately which is why I wanted to come on here and re-motivate myself and write down some intentions for the month ahead…

Goal 1:

Prioritize my mental health 

I’m going to be perfectly honest with ya’ll I’ve been majorly depressed. So much so that I’ve completely stopped caring about allot of things that matter to me. Like, this blog, for instance. I’ve let things fall through the cracks. I’ve lost complete motivation for a lot of things in my life and it hasn’t been fun or easy. 

It’s gotten so severe that Ive had panic attacks on top of it all. I’ve never had one prior to this and if you have never experience a panic attack let me just tell you. It’s demolishing to your health. 

That is why this month my top priority is my mental health. I’ve realized that I’ve put my well being and how I’m feeling towards the back of my to-do list and that drove me to feeling burnt out, depressed, anxious and just overall not like myself.

I’m making a priority to focus on me every single day by doing things that center me, that make me happy, doing little things like allowing myself to sleep a little longer, journal, read, listen to music, go on long walks, take bubble baths, splurging on little things that spark joy.

Goal 2: 

Reflect on what really matters 

It’s going to be my birthday, this month. I’m turning the big 2-5 yay and I think it’s a very grown up age and a point in my life where I reflect how much I have grown, how much I have learned and how far I have come and the place and things that I still want to do. 

I’m the type of person that always likes to map out were I would like to see myself and also reflect on my life and what better time to do that than on my birthday.

I have a few posts prepared for this blog and if time permits I’ll be happy to share those with you. The lessons I have learned so far in my life and things that I would tell my younger self and honestly my self a few months, days and hours ago. 

Goal 3: 

Get Back On Track

There are so many goals that I am working on and so many things that I want to accomplish. I know that with the right motivation, being surrounded by people that inspire me and support me I can accomplish them. All the goals and I’ve been working at start by taking small steps every single day to accomplish. So my main focus for this month is taking small steps every single day to reach my goals. 


With my goals for this month also come inspiration for the season. There aren’t allot of things that have been on my top priority list for the reasons already said, but I have been having lots of fun with fall fashion. I especially am in love with cheetah print for the season, loving boots with heels, loving browns and tans with blacks. Just overall with fashion I have been having lot of fun.

By the way, I’ve been on Pinterest, Instagram, and WeHeartIt Lately so if you want to follow me on those platforms. I promise I have lots of boards, collections, and pictures with all the Fall, Fashion, Lifestyle, Health, and Fitness Inspiration that you’ll need!!!

I love romantic stories in the fall. If ya’ll know of a good fall love story let me know in the comments below always looking to add stories to my collection. 

There you have it my goals for this month and also a bit of things that have been giving me inspiration. Let me know what you’re favorite part is about this season and let me know if you have any goals for the month. I’d love to talk and connect with ya’ll.

* Little update: I’ve been feeling allot better! Again like I said focusing on my self-care routines are really important for mental health. I got a hair cut, I believe that hair is a part our energy and cutting it and starting fresh is always a goal of mine. So I decided to trim it and then I did a color refresh gloss and honestly that did wonders for my mood.

I’ve been doing more of an effort to focus on my skin care routine and to take daily walks, which really help with my overall mood.

Also don’t forget to checkout previous years October Posts:

Fall Bucketlist 2017 

Fall Morning Routine 2017




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