Spring Cleaning, Organizing, Minimalism and The Home Edit

Spring Cleaning, Organizing, Minimalism and The Home Edit

Hi Lovelies, 

Welcome to another blog post! It’s been a while since I have posted (more than 3 months, yikes!) but interesting enough the weather has been making me feel more like my old self. Fall is my favorite season, Always. BUT I’ve been really loving spring. The trees are blooming the flowers are giving us little speaks of color and the sun is shining.

In addition to this beautiful weather which usually inspires us to dust off furniture, get rid of things and make any space feel refresh. Nothing beats the feeling of having a clean and organize space. On one of my many runs to Target, I found myself a little gem. Its this book call The Home Edit and I highly recommend everyone and anyone that loves Spring cleaning, but even if you don’t love cleaning this book will inspire you to LOVE it.

It’s filled with so much useful information and beautiful pictures. Here are some things I took from that book along with decluttering, rearranging, and organizing. Also, here are some things that I want to start practicing for the Spring Time and just carry on with me more often not just for this season, but things that I have been meaning to implement in my life.

01. Minimalism

This is more of something that I feel in love with when watching the documentary, Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things, on Netflix, which if you have access to Netflix, I would highly recommend it. The idea of minimalism is not just living in an empty home with nothing but a toothbrush and a pillow (I thought it was living like a backpacker) what it is, is getting rid of the things in our lives that are just taking up space and don’t bring us happiness. This clutter just keeps piling up and adding to the stress. Minimalism is not about not owning anything, but about finding true value in the things that you own.

I really started to embrace this idea after going on a budget and realizing that we spend so much money on things that might not even serve us a purpose or sometimes we waste money on an impulse.

02. Focus on one thing // space at a time

I speak from experience when I say that I’m guilty of having more than I can chew. I tend to get excited about things that I take on too much and then I don’t complete anything and it just hurts me more in the long run. One point that I enjoy from the book is focusing on smaller things and working your way from there.

My goal for spring cleaning this year is to focus on just one area of my room and then slowly working my way to other areas of the house where I rent a room.

03. Reorganizing everything in a sensible way

What I enjoyed about The Home Edit book was that it was very inclusive. Maybe you might not have a walk-in closet, or a pantry, or even a mudroom, but I felt like they gave so many good ideas to make a space work for you regardless of the space that you have. I also think that’s a very strategic and interior design move because it’s not about the size of something it’s about making it work for you and what you already have.

04. Label, Label, Label

Something that is seen throughout the book is the labels. If you have calligraphy skills this is the place to put that skill to work. However, if you don’t want to do that you can always buy a label maker or even purchase stickers from them online.

05. Make organizing fun and cute

Spring cleaning shouldn’t feel like this chore that you HAVE to get done. Making this process fun is will continue to keep you motivated. For Instance, I don’t know what it is about watching people clean on youtube. There are so many videos out there to choose from and I think they are really fun because it makes it feel like you aren’t cleaning on your own. Even putting on a movie while you clean and organize stuff. Even better watching the documentary that I recommend above.

If you guys are spring cleaning, organizing or decluttering what are some tips that have really helped you? Let me know in the comments below.

Some Books that I would highly recommend for you guys to read: 

Of course, the book that inspired this blog post: 

The Home Edit – A Guide to Organizing and Realizing Your House Goals (Includes Labels)
Marie Kondo – The life-changing magic of tidying up 
Marie Kondo – Spark Joy 
Minimalism – Live a Meaningful Life 


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